Web Hosting

GreenHoster, Managed Services Provider and web host, GreenHoster assists businesses
small or large to ensure the sustainability of their online activities.

Vers le bas Hébergeur Web à Antibes

Web Hosting

Starting from €49 per month excl. VAT

A customizable web hosting solution
- Flexible
- Scalable
- Monitoring and updates
- Significant price/performance ratio

Our infrastructure is based in France and Germany for backups.
We implement DR systems to ensure data security at all times. 

Featuring NVME disks in RAID10
Next-generation CPUs
A carbon offset equivalent to 200% of emissions
External backups

Eco-friendly hosting

Our company provides web hosting while maintaining environmentally friendly infrastructures.

We also offset our carbon emissions by promoting the planting of hedgerows through 4forests.fr

High-Performance Servers

High-performance web hosting is capable of delivering high levels of performance, reliability, and availability for websites and online applications.

Customized Infrastructure

According to your needs, we can study, design, and implement the web architecture that will meet your requirements.

Hébergement et infogérance web

Load Balancing, Monitoring

Monitoring allows tracking processes, performance, and availability of various services in place.

Similar to our load balancers using HAProxy, enabling us to distribute complex systems.

Administration Interface

Virtualmin/webmin is the web server management platform we recommend for those who desire it.

You have a simple and user-friendly interface to configure and administer your servers.

Server Virtualization

Our expertise in Proxmox clusters allows us to deploy high-availability platforms on powerful and eco-friendly servers

Security monitoring, daily updates, physically remote backup, DRP

Hébergeur Web Antibes